San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer: Must-know Tips for Winning Your Case

San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer: Must-know Tips for Winning Your Case

San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer: Must-know Tips for Winning Your Case

Truck accidents aren’t like your average car accident. To be successful in a claim, you have to be very careful about how you proceed after the wreck. Who you talk to, what you say, and what you do and don’t do will play a large role in how much compensation you can receive (if any).

Want to ensure you get the most money possible out of your truck wreck claim? Follow these important tips from San Antonio truck accident lawyer Corbin Snow:

  • Don’t give a recorded statement. After your accident, you’ll be contacted by the truck driver’s insurance company pretty quickly. More than likely, they’re going to ask you for a recorded statement, in which you state your side of the story. While this might seem innocent enough, the insurance adjuster is actually looking to catch you in a lie, making a mistake, or somehow admitting fault in the wreck. This would allow them to lower your compensation significantly.
  • Never say you’re sorry. Don’t ever say sorry, oops, or anything similar when talking to the driver, the police, or any insurance representative. These are all ways of admitting a level of fault, and if heard by the right person, they could disqualify you from compensation altogether.
  • Always call the police. The police report can shed light on how your accident really occurred, and it can help keep the blame off you if it comes down to it. Even if the wreck doesn’t seem serious, call the police anyway. They’ll be able to create an unbiased, official report that can be used later in your claim.
  • Contact a lawyer as soon as possible. All victims should contact a San Antonio truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. Truck drivers and trucking companies are known for destroying evidence – particularly log books – so they can’t be used against them in a claim. Your lawyer can send a request to the company, requiring them to preserve any and all evidence while your claim is pending.

Were you recently in a semi-truck wreck? Then contact a San Antonio truck accident lawyer at the Snow Law Firm today. We’ll stand by your side, and ensure you get the money you rightfully deserve.

By |2019-01-02T15:02:54+00:00February 24th, 2017|Uncategorized|Comments Off on San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer: Must-know Tips for Winning Your Case

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