Oilfield Accident Injury Lawyers
Working in an oilfield or rig is hot, tiring, and dangerous work; even the most skilled worker can be injured on the job. Often, these injuries can result from equipment failures, lax maintenance, infrequent or incomplete inspections, or a lack of needed fixes and improvements. If you or a loved one has suffered from oilfield injuries, you need a lawyer who thoroughly understands your industry and has in-depth knowledge of the complexities involved.
A workplace injury is more than painful; it affects your livelihood—and by extension, that of your family. If you are hurt on the job at an oilfield or rig, it’s essential that you document every detail of the incident as soon as possible. If you can, take snapshots of the area where the incident took place. If there are witnesses, you might ask them to independently write down what they’ve seen and heard while their recollection is fresh. All this can provide crucial information that your attorney can use to help you in the event of a court case resulting from oilfield injuries.
Choosing a lawyer who knows the industry is important for several reasons. First, he will understand the intricacies of the work you do. Second, he’ll have a current knowledge of laws and regulations that affect your field, thereby allowing him to determine who is actually at fault. Sometimes, the person really responsible for your oilfield injuries is someone most workers have not even met. Finally, hiring an attorney local to your area means that your lawyer has established a network with other local attorneys, clerks, and even judges. Having a knowledgeable attorney firmly on your side will bring you the peace of mind you deserve, and maybe even a good night’s sleep. Contact the competent Oilfield Accident Injury Lawyers at the The Snow Law Firm today for assistance in getting compensation for your injuries.